Kubas Landwirtschaft nach den Wirbelstürmen

03.10.2008 23:43 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 03.10.2008 23:44)
#1 Kubas Landwirtschaft nach den Wirbelstürmen
Rey/Reina del Foro
In einem 12-seitigen Bericht fassen drei Experten der University of Florida die Auswirkungen des Tropischen Sturms Fay und der Hurrikane Gustav und Ike auf die kubanische Landwirtschaft zusammen. Man kann dort ziemlich detailliert nachlesen, welche Folgen Wind, Regen oder Überschwemmung jeweils für einzelne Sektoren und Erzeugnisarten hatten. In den Schlussfolgerungen wird auch auf mögliche politische Folgen hingewiesen.
Zitat von Messina/Royce/Spreen
The sum total of the damages caused by these storms to the Cuban economy, infrastructure, and agriculture is nothing short of catastrophic. (...)
The tremendous challenges from hurricane recovery will place an additional strain on the Cuban financial system. Earnings from agricultural exports will be down in the short term and tourist revenues may decrease due to damaged hotels and facilities in some areas of the island. For these reasons, Cuba may concentrate on food purchases from countries or companies that will provide them with credit. (...)
Since the revolution in 1959, the Cuban people have come to expect the government to provide some level of basic food supplies at inexpensive (subsidized) prices. It should be noted that the last major civil unrest (Rafter Crisis) in Cuba occurred in 1994, in large measure in response to critical food shortages. National security considerations related to these events reportedly enabled Raul Castro, then head of the military and national security, to successfully promote the important agricultural policy change allowing the opening of Cuba’s Agricultural Markets – a significant market-oriented reform for Cuba. Might more new and significant changes in Cuban agricultural policy be on the horizon?

Kompletter Bericht hier (PDF): Cuban Agriculture and the Impacts of Tropical Storm Fay and Hurricanes Gustav and Ike


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