Höchste Emigrationsrate seit 1994

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02.08.2013 15:05
#26 RE: Höchste Emigrationsrate seit 1994
Rey/Reina del Foro

Zitat von cabeza mala im Beitrag #25
Und wo bekommt Cubi dieses tolle Visum in Habana?


La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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02.08.2013 15:24
avatar  jokuba ( gelöscht )
#27 RE: Höchste Emigrationsrate seit 1994
jokuba ( gelöscht )

Da wird sich manche Großmutter aber freuen

The United States was quick to point out the new visa policy did not represent a change in the eligibility criteria for B-2 visas, which are not granted to those considered potential immigrants or who want to work in the United States.

“Of course, all visa applicants will continue to undergo a rigorous review to ensure they are qualified for a visa. Applicants not qualified for visas will not be issued visas,” said the State Department spokesperson.

In practice, those who get the B-2 visas are generally retired Cubans or those considered to have ties that bind them to the island and make their return very likely.

“The average grandmother isn’t considered a security risk,” said Mannerud.



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02.08.2013 20:46
#28 Zahl der Besuchsvisa für Kubaner in die USA stark gestiegen
Rey/Reina del Foro

Zahl der in die USA reisende Großmütter um 79 Prozent gestiegen:

Cuba Says 79 Pct Rise in US Visas for Islanders
HAVANA August 2, 2013 (AP)
Associated Press

Cuban authorities are reporting a 79 percent jump in the number of U.S. nonimmigrant visas granted to islanders.

Communist Party newspaper Granma says the U.S. Interests Section in Havana issued 16,767 such visas in the first six months of 2013.

That's up from 9,369 in the same period last year.


La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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