Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?

14.12.2006 18:28
avatar  dirk_71
#1 Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
Rey/Reina del Foro

In Antwort auf:
Rumors Fly of Castro's Death:
PJM in HollywoodDecember 12, 2006 4:21 PM
According to Babalu Blog and, Pajamas Media has learned, some Miami radio stations… Fidel Castro is dead! Pajamas Media is investigating.

Meanwhile, a debate rages over whether Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla) urged the killing of the Comandante, a difficult thing to do if he is already dead. (NYT)

UPDATE: Spanish Radio said to have reported Castro dead. Miami police on alert. The Miami Herald comments on recent photographs of the dictator.

In Antwort auf:
December 12, 2006
fidel castro Is Dead? (Updated)
Been getting quite a bit of traffic via searches with "castro death" and "is castro dead" and "castro death rumors" the past couple of days so I thought I'd go ahead and clear that whole mess up right now.

Barring any unforeseen actions such as, say, breathing, for all intents and purposes, fidel castro is dead. And, should the case be that he is, in fact, still breathing, chances are that it's only a "little" breathing or a clever rendition of the act of breathing and not real breathing in the real breathing scientific term of real breathing. There have been, however, unconfirmed reports of fidel castro actually breathing, but all have come with the caveat "he is breathing, but he's certainly not inhaling."

Thus, since fidel castro is not inhaling we can only come to two conclusions: he is either dead or he is, in fact, Bill Clinton. That latter notion is under investigation as not only are "both" men known for not inhaling, but for a particular fondness for long Cuban cigars, which are not necessarily meant for inhaling.

In summary, the rumors of fidel castro's actual demise may be premature at this moment, but reports of his lack of inhalation have some skeptics convinced that he is in fact, technically not breathing in a respiratory sense, which leads this writer to conclude that yes, fidel castro is in fact, at least, respiratorily dead.

There are, however, rumors abounding that ADIDAS is secretly redesigning the Bionic Track Suit to not only control motor reactor functions to certain appendages, but to also simulate breathing with an added plus of inhalation where Oxygen (O2) is taken in and carbon-dioxide (CO2) is exhaled, thus aiding the photosynthetic process of genetically altered tobacco plants (Cuban seed, of course) which will be planted along the hems of the garment. There is no word as yet as to how ADIDAS plans to handle the Bionic Track Suit Tobacco harvesting and cigar rolling.

Batteries, however, will be included.

UPDATE: Just a few words of caution to all those visiting us anticipating news of the Cuban dictator's demise: Dont bust out the champagne until it's made official. Even if castro swims with the fishes as we speak, until there's an official Cuban Government announcement we will not know with absolute certainty. This doesnt mean, though, that you cant start celebrating right now.

UPDATE II: While we all wait for official confirmation - which will only come when the Cuban government is good and ready - please take a minute or two to find out more about Cuba and the Independent Journalists incarcerated therein:

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Das Infoportal zu Kuba (mit täglichen News aus Kuba, Casas Particular Datenbank und vielem mehr ): //


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14.12.2006 19:17 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 14.12.2006 19:17)
avatar  don olafio ( gelöscht )
#2 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
don olafio ( gelöscht )
Neiiin! Nicht!!!! Nicht schooon wieder!!!!!

Ansonsten: "...but all have come with the caveat "he is breathing, but he's certainly not inhaling.
Thus, since fidel castro is not inhaling we can only come to two conclusions: he is either dead or he is, in fact, Bill Clinton..."

(Ich hatte es schon immer geahnt...)

Don Olafio


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14.12.2006 19:37 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 14.12.2006 19:39)
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#3 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
( Gast )
Entweder er feiert am 1.Jänner seine glorreiche Wiederkehr oder er ist weg. Die 2 Wochen kann ich noch warten, bevor ich mir Artikel aus der USA durchlese.

Auf jeden Fall deutet einiges daraufhin das er nicht mehr kommt. Immerhin ist er jetzt 4 Monate schon nicht mehr im Amt.


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14.12.2006 19:41
#4 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?

du meinst bestimmt Januar oder wann ist denn der 1.Jänner
La Lucha, Migelito 100


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14.12.2006 19:46 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 14.12.2006 19:47)
#5 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
Rey/Reina del Foro
In Österreich und Südtirol ist der Jänner weiterhin die offizielle Bezeichnung für den ersten Monat des Jahres. In Bayern ist der Jänner dagegen zumindest umgangssprachlich weiterhin verbreitet.
La distancia no es la causa para que nazca el olvido.


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14.12.2006 19:49
#6 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?

@ ElHombreBlanco,

La Lucha, Migelito 100


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14.12.2006 20:02
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#7 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
( Gast )

Am Tag an dem Batista mit der Staatskasse sich ins Flugzeug setzte. primero de enero.
Bayern waren mir schon immer sympathisch.


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14.12.2006 20:11
avatar  greenhorn ( gelöscht )
#8 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
greenhorn ( gelöscht )

aus der USA

auch ösi-deutsch?


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14.12.2006 20:22
avatar  Socke
#9 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
Top - Forenliebhaber/in

Zitat von Gary
Entweder er feiert am 1.Jänner seine glorreiche Wiederkehr oder er ist weg. Die 2 Wochen kann ich noch warten, bevor ich mir Artikel aus der USA durchlese.

Kannst ruhig lesen, das ist ein Witz.
"Bier lagert man in einem dunklen Raum"


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15.12.2006 10:12
avatar  dirk_71
#10 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
Rey/Reina del Foro

In Antwort auf:
Rumors Of Castro's Death Abound Thu Dec 14, 6:52 PM ET

Images of a frail
Fidel Castro coupled with his absence from public view have the South Florida rumor mill churning that the communist leader could possibly be dying or already dead.

There is no official word out of Cuba. In fact, Cuba's official government newscast seem to report everything but Castro's whereabouts since he missed the golden anniversary of his revolutionary armed forces 12 days ago.

It is the talk of the South Florida Cuban exile community, many of whom think that Castro is already dead, especially since he missed the anniversary celebration that also doubled as a delayed 80th birthday party for the dictator.

Cuban exile Rigo Gomez said, "That's weird that he didn't show up. If he's alive, he'd show up even if he had to get in a wheelchair. I know him."

Gomez said his family and friends in Cuba are convinced that Castro has been dead more than a week, and there are signs that seem to support that. The flow of official photos and video since Castro's reported surgery last summer has ceased. His close friend and political ally Hugo Chavez, who won re-election Dec. 3, received no call of congratulations from Castro. Mob beatings on the streets of Havana Sunday might have signaled an expected crackdown on government opponents preceding an official death announcement. The U.S. government has a multiagency plan in place to deal with possible mass migrations after word of Castro's demise. Local 10 learned that part of that plan is to close down South Florida marinas to try to keep boaters from heading to Cuba to pick up family members.

New organizations are already activated in anticipation of Castro's demise.

Luis Castillo, a satellite truck operator, is stationed with his truck in the center of Miami's exile community. He said he is on location waiting news about Castro and will be "indefinitely."

Castillo laughed and said, "Show me now. Show me Castro now. I want to see him. Then I will move my truck away."


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Das Infoportal zu Kuba (mit täglichen News aus Kuba, Casas Particular Datenbank und vielem mehr ): //


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15.12.2006 11:05
avatar  dirk_71
#11 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
Rey/Reina del Foro

In Antwort auf:
Castro Near Death, U.S. Intelligence Chief Says

By Karen DeYoung
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 15, 2006; Page A23

Cuban President Fidel Castro is very ill and close to death, Director of National Intelligence John D. Negroponte said yesterday.

"Everything we see indicates it will not be much longer . . . months, not years," Negroponte told a meeting of Washington Post editors and reporters.

Castro relinquished power for the first time in 47 years after surgery July 31 for an undisclosed intestinal disorder. His brother, Raul, has assumed Castro's duties, but Cuban authorities have repeatedly insisted that he is recovering and eventually will return to office. He was last seen in an Oct. 28 video, shown on Cuban national television, in which he appeared gaunt and weak and warned that his convalescence would be lengthy.

The Cuban leader did not show up as anticipated at a Dec. 2 national celebration in Havana scheduled to commemorate his 80th birthday and the 50th anniversary of the Cuban revolution. In a brief speech at the event, Raul Castro imparted no message from his brother but said that Cuba is willing to open negotiations with the United States "to settle the long U.S.-Cuba disagreement."

In rejecting the offer this week, Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Shannon told reporters that the Bush administration will deal with Cuba's Communist government only when it shows a commitment to democracy. During the period of uncertainty under Raul Castro, Shannon said, "the regime has actually become harder and more orthodox and is not in a position to signal in any meaningful way what direction it will take post-Fidel."

Congressional advocates of easing long-standing U.S. sanctions against Cuba are scheduled to fly to the island today for a three-day visit exploring potential policy changes under Raul Castro. The bipartisan group of 10 is the largest congressional delegation to visit Cuba.

Nos vemos
Das Infoportal zu Kuba (mit täglichen News aus Kuba, Casas Particular Datenbank und vielem mehr ): //


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15.12.2006 18:09 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.12.2006 18:09)
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#12 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
( Gast )
In Antwort auf:
Bayern waren mir schon immer sympathisch.

Danke Gary, trotzdem dass man hier die Bezeichnung Jänner für den Januar kennt, sagt in
Bayern kein Mensch Jänner hier oder nur weisse Männer.
Que te diviertas bien
y gastes poco


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15.12.2006 19:25 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.12.2006 19:26)
avatar  Bernd
#13 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
spitzen Mitglied
Es sind schon die ersten Bilder im Netz vom angeblichen toten Fidel.

Echt oder Fälschung???



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15.12.2006 19:35
avatar  dirk_71
#14 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
Rey/Reina del Foro

Ich stelle das Bild mal hier rein...

Nos vemos
Das Infoportal zu Kuba (mit täglichen News aus Kuba, Casas Particular Datenbank und vielem mehr ): //


 Beitrag melden
15.12.2006 19:36
#15 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?

Echt oder Fälschung

La Lucha, Migelito 100


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16.12.2006 00:32
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#16 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
( Gast )

Und was wenn nicht? Biene


 Beitrag melden
16.12.2006 00:39
#17 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
Rey/Reina del Foro

Zitat von Biene
Und was wenn nicht?

Dann isser tot.
La distancia no es la causa para que nazca el olvido.


 Beitrag melden
16.12.2006 15:33
#18 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?

Dann isser tot
La Lucha, Migelito 100


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17.12.2006 11:24
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#19 RE: Neue Gerüchte aus Miami.. Fidel tot?
( Gast )

Buenos dias:

Fidel Castro soll also wieder einmal den Löffel abgegeben haben. Ist er eine Katze? Dann hat er ja noch ein paar Leben.

An seine Rückkehr glaubt hier wohl kaum noch jemand.

Raúl Castro hat den USA politische Gespräche angeboten, die von Bush (noch) abgelehnt wurden. Nun scheint es unter den US-Abgeordneten eine Mehrheit für einen Dialog zwischen den USA und der Sozialistischen Republick Cuba zu geben.

Für diesen Dialog müssen zwei Hindernisse überwunden werden. Fidel Castro Ruz und George W. Bush. Eine Bereitschaft zum Dialog ist zur Zeit auf beiden Seiten vorhanden. Eine Chance, die jetzt genutzt werden muss!


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