Nordkoreanischer Militächef in Kuba

27.11.2004 17:19
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#1 Nordkoreanischer Militächef in Kuba
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N. Korean Military Chief at Army Exercises in Cuba
Wed Nov 24, 2004 08:58 PM ET

HAVANA (Reuters) - North Korea's army chief of staff, Vice Marshal Kim Yong-Chun, toured Cuban army units and observed training exercises during a five-day visit to Cuba, Cuban state media said on Wednesday.
State television showed Kim watching Cuban soldiers firing rifles during infantry exercises.

Cuba and North Korea are "in the front trench of the fight against North American imperialism and for the defense of socialism," Kim said in statements published by Cuba's ruling Communist Party daily, Granma.

Kim praised Cuba for its resolve in "resisting threats of aggression" from the Bush administration, Granma said.

Washington last year stepped up enforcement of financial sanctions against Cuba and increased support for dissent, seeking to undermine President Fidel Castro's government.

The North Korean military chief, who will be in Cuba until Saturday, held meetings with his Cuban counterpart, Gen. Alvaro Lopez Miera, the deputy defense minister and army chief of staff, Granma said.

Kim was expected to meet with Defense Minister Raul Castro, the younger brother of the Cuban president and the second man in the government hierarchy.

North Korea and Cuba are two of the five last communist-run nations in the world, along with China, Vietnam and Laos.

© Reuters 2004. All Rights Reserved.


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27.11.2004 17:50
avatar  jan
#2 RE:Nordkoreanischer Militächef in Kuba
Rey/Reina del Foro

In Antwort auf:
last communist-run nations

wo der Dollar regiert

Ach nee, nicht mehr


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28.11.2004 15:30
avatar  yo soy
#3 RE:Nordkoreanischer Militächef in Kuba
spitzen Mitglied so langsam rotten sich die "ratten" zusammen, denn "ihr" schiff ist schon ganz schön leck, und vieleicht kann man gemeinsam eine bessere absprungtaktik wählen,wieviel die anderen chefs wohl in der schweiz auf der bank haben?
...china würde ich aber hier ausnehmen, die sind mittlerweile ja "die bosse" schlechthin und sogar geldgeber der amerikaner! das schiff schwimmt wasserdicht, auch wenn die führung über leichen geht!



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