Die Achse des Guten formt sich!

05.01.2006 08:07
avatar  elcrocoloco ( gelöscht )
#1 Die Achse des Guten formt sich!
elcrocoloco ( gelöscht )

IRNA-Bericht von heute:


Castro, Ahmadinejad Confer
Next NAM Meeting in Cuba
TEHRAN, Jan. 4--President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stressed on Wednesday
Iran’s desire to cooperate with popular governments, particularly
those of the South American region.
In a telephone conversation with his Cuban counterpart Fidel Castro,
Ahmadinejad said continued friendly relations between Iran and Cuba
will be in the interest of both states and nations, IRNA reported.
Appreciating Castro’s positive stance over Iran’s nuclear issue and
the South American leader’s decades-old policy of resistance against
arrogant powers, Ahmadinejad said, “We are pleased that the next
Non-Aligned Movement meeting will be held in Cuba and keen to assist
you in preparing for the upcoming event.“
For his part, President Castro said Iran-Cuba relations were
benefiting the whole world, particularly the Latin American
“Iran, with the progress that it has achieved, is increasing its
ability to fight big powers by the day,“ he said.
Stressing Iran’s right to nuclear energy for peaceful ends, Castro
said like any other country, Iran is entitled to produce atomic
energy for peaceful purposes and have access to modern technology for
this purpose, instead of being restricted to domestic reserves.
“We strongly oppose the production and proliferation of weapons of
mass destruction just as we are against the monopoly over this kind
of weapons by certain world powers,“ Castro said.


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05.01.2006 08:34
avatar  elcrocoloco ( gelöscht )
#2 RE: Die Achse des Guten formt sich!
elcrocoloco ( gelöscht )

Man könnte es natürlich auch als Achse des Bösen bezeichnen, je nachdem
aus welchen Blickwinkel man es betrachtet!


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05.01.2006 09:44
avatar  Socke
#3 RE: Die Achse des Guten formt sich!
Top - Forenliebhaber/in

Wenn du hier ähnliche Aussagen wie der iranische Präsident von dir gibst, landest du im Knast. Und wir behaupten, wir wären frei :-)
"The way I see it, unless we each conform, unless we obey orders, unless we follow our leaders blindly, there is no possible way we can remain free."
-Major Frank Burns, 4077th


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05.01.2006 10:27
avatar  elcrocoloco ( gelöscht )
#4 RE: Die Achse des Guten formt sich!
elcrocoloco ( gelöscht )

Immerhin dürfen wir hierzulande noch alles lesen was so in den Medien verbreitet wird.........

Aber die Inquisition schläft nicht!!!!!! =§:-)))))


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