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Jamaica und Cuba vereinbaren Zusammenarbeit

Ja, Cuba to sign MOU in drugs, crime fight
Observer Reporter
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Cuba and Jamaica will this week sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU), pledging cooperation in the fight against the narcotics trade and transnational crime, Jamaican officials said yesterday.
The national security minister, Dr Peter Phillips, leaves for Havana tomorrow where he will initial the agreement with Cuba's interior minister, Abelardo Colomé Ibarra.
Phillips will be accompanied by his permanent secretary, Gilbert Scott, and his security advisor, Dave Anderson, officials said.
"The MOU will create the basis for the sharing of intelligence to prevent the trading in narcotic substances and chemical precursors as well as establish a framework for dealing with transnational crimes such as money laundering," a spokesman said.
Jamaica, given its ideal geographical location, has emerged as a major transshipment point for cocaine from Colombia headed for the United States, Canada and Europe.
In the past two years, Phillips has signed a series of agreements with countries in this hemisphere, as well as outside the region, on cooperation in the anti-drug fight.
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