Pressefreiheitsindex 2004

21.05.2004 11:11 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 21.05.2004 11:12)
avatar  Moskito
#1 Pressefreiheitsindex 2004
Rey/Reina del Foro

In Antwort auf:
Repressalien gegen Journalisten

aus der Badischen Zeitung vom Dienstag, 18. Mai 2004

Wegen zahlreicher Verstöße rutschten die USA auf dem Pressefreiheitsindex auf Rang 135 ab

Kuba lag 2004 auf Rang 134, Deutschland auf Rang 7, USA auf Rang 17.

Hat wer die genauen Zahlen des neuen Reports von 2004? Ich finde sie leider nirgendwo.



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21.05.2004 11:37 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 21.05.2004 11:44)
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#2 RE:Pressefreiheitsindex 2004
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Hmm, wollte Dir eigentlich mit dem Link helfen, bin aber beim Suchen dafür auf das gestoßen:

Interessant besonders sind letzten Absätze für unsere ewig gutgläubigen in Bezug auf Kuba (wie Drummer und Co.)

Und was Du vergessen hast Moskito: Der Index wurde von rsf - Reporter ohne Grenzen erstellt.
Zahlen finde ich aber auf deren HP nicht, nur von 2002 und die Übersicht für die Welt allgemein:

Europe urged to remember Cuban repression
Reporters Without Borders urged European parliamentarians to sign a "Brussels Declaration" in which they undertake to constantly petition the Cuban government for the release of the 75 dissidents and to call on the "European Commission and Council to pursue policies consistent with this goal."

Proclaiming "Europe says NO to repression in Cuba," Reporters Without Borders held a news conference at the European Parliament in Brussels today to mark the first anniversary of the start a wave of arrests in Cuba on 18 March 2003, which ended with a total of 75 dissidents, including 27 journalists, being sentenced to long prison terms.

Leading personalities and witnesses of the crackdown came to voice their views on the situation in Cuba. Spanish film-maker Fernando Arrabal was among those at the event, which was sponsored by Polish former dissident and former foreign minister Bronislaw Geremek and French writer and philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy.

New campaigns to get European citizens and EU authorities involved Reporters Without Borders unveiled new initiatives at the press conference that are designed to alert the European Union's public and its decision-makers about the human rights violations that are still being committed by Fidel Castro's regime.

The organisation's secretary-general, Robert Ménard, urged European parliamentarians to sign a "Brussels Declaration" in which they undertake to constantly petition the Cuban government for the release of the 75 dissidents and to call on the "European Commission and Council to pursue policies consistent with this goal."

The declaration's first signatories included Daniel Cohn-Bendit of France (president of the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance) ; Emma Bonino of Italy (radical group of Non-Attached) ; Pervenche Berés of France (vice-president of the Group of the Party of European Socialists) ; Graham Watson of Scotland (president of the Group of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party - ELDR) ; José Ribeiro e Castro of Portugal (Union for Europe of the Nations Group) ; Gérard Deprez of Belgium (European People's Party) and Jules Maaten of Netherlands (ELDR).

Reporters Without Borders also announced the launch of a poster campaign aimed at encouraging the approximately 800,000 European tourists who visit Cuba each year to think about what goes on there behind the promotional clichés. The campaign's visual is a young woman on beach wearing a T-shirt that says, "Cuba Si, Castro No." The accompanying text says :

"Are you tempted by Cuba for your holidays, by its dreamy beaches and its frenetic rhythms ? Watch out ! Except in picture postcards, the Cuban sun doesn't shine for everyone. The Castro regime arrested some 80 journalists, dissidents and human rights activists in March 2003 and gave them long prison sentences. For daring to talk about democracy in their country, some of them are going to spend up to 28 years in prison... Wise up to where you're going !"

(Lebe das Leben! Du hast nur eins!)


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21.05.2004 11:38
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#3 RE:Pressefreiheitsindex 2004
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Ich glaube das T-Shirt mit "Kuba Si - Castro No" muß ich mir holen und dann in Havanna am Strand tragen

(Lebe das Leben! Du hast nur eins!)


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