Lesson Learned by the Daughter of a Cuban Refugee

13.05.2019 22:08
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#1 Lesson Learned by the Daughter of a Cuban Refugee
Rey/Reina del Foro

That’s the brand of Socialism I learned about when I was growing up.

Today, the lessons continue. My relatives in Cuba received a good education but can do nothing with it. They have their “guaranteed job” from the government and earn the equivalent of $10 USD a month. They have “free healthcare” but need us to send them aspirin. The basics that we take for granted like soap, rice, and beans are sold in limited quantities per person through a government run rationing system. It is a constant reminder of how truly special our nation is and just how fortunate I am to have been born in the United States.



„Nach meiner Auffassung steckt die Welt voll unermesslicher Chancen, wenn wir sie nur zu nutzen verstehen würden.“ v. Ludwig Erhard, Wirtschaftsminister und Bundeskanzler in D.


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