NYT: Wie es ist, in Kuba ein unabhängiges Medienunternehmen zu gründen

23.10.2015 08:54
#1 NYT: Wie es ist, in Kuba ein unabhängiges Medienunternehmen zu gründen
Rey/Reina del Foro

What It’s Like to Launch an Independent News Outlet in Cuba
By Ernesto Londoño

Elaine Díaz, the first Cuban journalist to receive a Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University, returned home earlier this year and resigned from the University of Havana, where she taught for seven years. Last weekend, she launched a news startup, Periodismo de Barrio, or Community Journalism. I asked her about her plans, the new era in relations between the United States and Cuba and her impressions of the United States.


La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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