Umfrage zu Rassenunterschieden in Kuba

01.12.2008 09:34
#1 Umfrage zu Rassenunterschieden in Kuba
Rey/Reina del Foro

Zitat von Miami Herald
Differences about race found in Cuban survey
A survey of Cubans' attitudes about race found widespread perceptions of blacks being far worse off than whites.

El Nuevo Herald

Cubans believe the island's black population is restricted from obtaining better jobs and say the possibility of a black man someday governing the nation is unlikely, according to a study published this week.

The study, by the independent academic project known as Cubabarómetro, was conducted in Havana in September and October and focused on monitoring perceptions of racial differences and the way individuals define themselves in the current context of Cuban society.


La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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