‘My Dearest Fidel’: An ABC Journalist’s Secret Liaison With Fidel Castro

30.04.2018 17:00
#1 ‘My Dearest Fidel’: An ABC Journalist’s Secret Liaison With Fidel Castro
Rey/Reina del Foro

Interessanter Artikel von Peter Kornbluh, einem erfahrenen Fachmann für die geheimen Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Kuba der letzten 60 Jahre, über die prominente Fernsehjournalistin Lisa Howard, die 1963/64 zwar enge Beziehungen zu Fidel pflegte, aber mit ihren Vermittlungsbemühungen im Weißen Haus erfolglos blieb.

Zitat von Politico Magazine, 20.04.2018
‘My Dearest Fidel’: An ABC Journalist’s Secret Liaison With Fidel Castro
The untold story of how Lisa Howard’s intimate diplomacy with Cuba’s revolutionary leader changed the course of the Cold War.

Castro said he wanted to “discuss a trade” with the new administration: The United States would stop backing sabotage raids into Cuba led by Cuban exiles in Florida and halt its effort to roll back the Cuban revolution. In return, Cuba would end its efforts to export revolution to other areas of Latin America. (...)

“we did get to bed and he made love to me quite expertly and it was, of course, thrilling and ecstatic—as much as anything I have ever experienced.” (...)

[Fidel] had such a genuine belief in the revolution and in what he was doing [when] in fact so much of what he was doing was truly evil.” He could not see it, “and I was not capable of making him see it”



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01.05.2018 14:52
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#2 RE: ‘My Dearest Fidel’: An ABC Journalist’s Secret Liaison With Fidel Castro

Ja, wirklich sehr interessant und lesenswert



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