Film-Tip: Sanky Panky

22.09.2008 11:51
#1 Film-Tip: Sanky Panky
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"The persona of the "sanky panky" has been brought to the big screen in 2007 by Spanish director Jose E. Pintor. In his comedic film entitled Sanky Panky, audiences follow the life of a young Dominican man named Genaro (played by Dominican comedian Fausto Mata) who travels to Bavaro to work at a resort in hopes of finding a "gringa" or a White American woman who will give him a visa. In the process he meets a young heart-broken woman and her two older and oversexed aunts. The story that follows presents the beauties of Dominican resorts but portrays the realities of poverty in the Dominican Republic while simultaneously immortalizing the "sanky panky" via major motion picture."


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