UN official: Cuba solved energy crisis

05.07.2007 08:53
#1 UN official: Cuba solved energy crisis
Top - Forenliebhaber/in

HAVANA - Cuba has solved crippling energy shortages that plagued the island as recently as 2004 without sacrificing a long-term commitment to promoting environmentally friendly fuels, the head of the U.N. Environment Program said Wednesday.

The electric grid still relies too heavily on wasteful gas-flare reactors and heavy polluting diesel generators, but the communist government has taken important steps toward developing wind and solar power, as well as ethanol from sugar cane, said Achim Steiner, the program's executive director.

"Cuba a few years ago was facing a real energy crisis, 16 hours of ... electricity cuts and therefore a realization that the economy was going to collapse under this system," said Steiner, in Havana for a conference on the environment and development.




Todo hermano se interesa por una hermana, sobre todo si esa hermana es de otro.


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05.07.2007 14:54
avatar  elcrocoloco ( gelöscht )
#2 RE: UN official: Cuba solved energy crisis
elcrocoloco ( gelöscht )

Das sind ja erfreuliche Nachrichten!


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05.07.2007 15:04 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 05.07.2007 15:04)
#3 RE: UN official: Cuba solved energy crisis
Rey/Reina del Foro
Zitat von elcrocoloco
Das sind ja erfreuliche Nachrichten!

Ich würde da eher meinen praktischen Erlebnissen vor Ort trauen, als der an die UN gemeldete kubanischen Propaganda.
La vida debería ser amarilla... amar y ya.


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